Past events with contributions from the working group


April 1, 2024

Below a list of past events with contributions of the WG, with links to slidedecks and recordings (where available).

16.06.2024: PSI conference

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Amsterdam / Netherlands

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Evgeny Degtyarev Novartis Looking back on our “Estimands in Oncology” Working Group Journey link
Tobias Mütze & Stefan Englert Novartis & J&J Re-Thinking treatment effect measure in clinical trials with time-to-event outcomes and competing risks link
Sarwar Mozumder AstraZeneca Outcome of Survey on Current Standards and Implementation of Covariate Adjusted and Stratified Analyses link
Pedro López-Romero Novartis Can the Estimand Framework help improve the analysis of adverse events of special interest? link

24.11.2023: APF Workshop: Early phase clinical development – estimands, biomarkers and decision making

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Darmstadt / Germany

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Anja Victor Merck KGaA Will you learn more from your oncology dose escalation by using the estimands framework? No presentation available
Stefan Englert J&J Estimand Framework: A New Lens for Single-Arm Early Clinical Trials in Oncology link

08.11.2023: Nordic lymphoma group plenary meeting

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Copenhagen / Denmark

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Evgeny Degtyarev Novartis Estimand framework – do you know the research question? link

16.10.2023: Seminar of the Basel Biometric Society: Estimands in Early Development (ED) across Therapeutic Areas

Contribution of the working group: Seminar

Basel / Switzerland

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Lilla di Scala Janssen, BBS Welcome, scene setting and “Let’s extend the conversation on estimands to Early Development” link
Stefan Englert Janssen Why jeopardize clarity, consistency, and coherency in early phase? A plea for introducing estimand focused discussions to early development acknowledging similarities and differences as compared to late development. link
Karin Meiser Novartis Using estimands in PoC studies for infectious diseases: what did we consider? link
David Wright Astra Zeneca Examples of opportunities to use the estimand framework in early Phase studies link
Francois Mercier Roche Dealing with treatment discontinuation in dose escalation Phase 1 oncology clinical trials link
Rob Hemmings Consilium Scientific Estimands in Early Development – an external perspective link
Thomas Gwise former FDA Optimizing Estimands with Optimus link

12.10.2023: FDA / Lungevity Project Significant

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Silver Spring / Maryland

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Kaspar Rufibach Roche Impact of Cross-over in the Evaluation of Overall Survival in cancer RCTs link

29.09.2023: ASA Biopharmaceutical Section Regulatory-Industry Statistics Workshop

Contribution of the working group: Panel discussion

Rockville / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Qing Xu FDA Contributor to panel discussion link
Jonathan Siegel Bayer Contributor to panel discussion link
Libby Floden Clinical Outcomes Solutions Contributor to panel discussion link
Janet Wittes Wittes LLC Contributor to panel discussion link
Hongtao Zhang Merck Contributor to panel discussion link
Yeh-Fong Chen FDA Chair of panel discussion No presentation available

13.09.2023: EFSPI Regulatory Statistics Workshop

Contribution of the working group: Poster

Basel / Switzerland

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Sarwar Mozumder & Bjoern Bornkampp AstraZeneca & Novartis Conditional and Unconditional treatment effects in randomized clinical trials: Estimands , Estimation, and Interpretation link

05.08.2023: Joint Statistical Meetings

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Toronto / Canada

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Jonathan Siegel Bayer Estimands and Safety in Oncology Clinical Trials link

11.06.2023: PSI conference

Contribution of the working group: Invited session

London / UK

Webpage of the event


Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Lynda Grinsted AstraZeneca Follow-up quantification in time to event clinical trials link
Stefan Englert J&J Estimands in oncology early clinical developmentclinical development link
Elizabeth Pilling AstraZeneca No presentation available
Hong Tian Beigene No presentation available
Yufei Wang GSK Treatment Switching Estimation based on Principal Stratification link
Konstantina Skaltsa IQVIA How could we handle the occurrence of death when analyzing continuous endpoints? An example of PRO endpoints link

31.05.2023: Lifetime Data Science Conference (LIDS)

Contribution of the working group: Organizer of two sessions and invited talks

Raleigh / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Natalia Kan-Dobrosky AbbVie Estimands and treatment switching link
Vitaly Drucker AstraZeneca Treatment switching adjustment in the context of non-proportional hazards No presentation available
Jonathan Siegel Bayer Applying the estimands framework to time-to-event oncology studies: What happens when you cannot follow past an intercurrent event? link
Richard Cook University of Waterloo Discussant No presentation available
Patrick Schlömer Bayer Efficiency of recurrent and time-to-first event methods in the presence of terminal events – Application to chronic heart failure trials link
Liwei Wang GenMab Logic respecting efficacy measures in the presence of prognostic or predictive biomarker subgroups link
Godwin Yung Genentech Balancing events, not patients, maximizes power in randomized survival studies link
Satrajit Roychoudhury Pfizer Discussant link

12.04.2023: Seminar of the Basel Biometrics Section

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Basel / Switzerland

Webpage of the event


Recording 2

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Rima Izem Novartis Welcome, scene setting and “Let us put the scientific objective first!” link
Kaspar Rufibach Roche Stop the abuse: A plea for a more principled approach to the analysis of time-to-event endpoints with varying follow-up times and/or competing risks, with a focus on analysis of AEs. link
Andrew Thomson EMA (discussant) Comments (no slides) No presentation available
Shanti Gomatam FDA (discussant) Quantification of risk: ask the right questions or time to apply the estimand framework to safety link

29.03.2023: Duke Industry Statistics Symposium 2023

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk


Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Jonathan Siegel Bayer Estimands and Censoring in Oncology Time-to-Event Trials – Answering the Right Question No presentation available

02.12.2022: ASA New Jersey Chapter Webinar Series – Getting the question right – Applying the Estimand and Target Trial Frameworks with External Controls

Contribution of the working group: Co-organization

New Jersey / USA



Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Pallavi Mishra-Kalyani FDA External control arms in oncology: current use and future directions? link
Xabier Garcia de Albeniz Martinez & Lisa Hampson RTH Health Solutions & Novartis Introduction to the ICH E9(R1) estimand and target trial emulation frameworks, and their role in the design and analysis of RWE studies link
Jufen Chu Novartis Combining the target trial and estimand frameworks to define the causal estimand: an application using real-world data to contextualize a single-arm trial link
Letizia Polito Roche Applying the Estimand and Target Trial frameworks to external control analyses using observational data: a case study in the solid tumor setting link
Stephen Duffield NICE Benefits of target trial and estimand frameworks in real-world evidence of treatment effects for supporting health technology assessment link

21.10.2022: DIA China webinar

Contribution of the working group: Presentation

Virtual / China

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Jiajun Xu Conditional and Marginal Treatment Effects in Clinical Trials link

19.10.2022: ISOQoL 2022

Contribution of the working group: Workshop

Prague / Czech Republic

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Rachael Lawrance Patient-reported outcomes in clinical trials – what questions are we asking and how do we understand the results; how the estimand framework with sensitivity analyses can help No presentation available

20.09.2022: ASA Biopharmaceutical Section Regulatory-Industry Statistics Workshop

Contribution of the working group: Contributed topic session

Maryland / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Dalong Patrick Huang FDA Adjusting for covariates in randomized trials: draft guidance and some examples link
Hong Tian Beigene Conditional and Unconditional Treatment Effects in Clinical Trials link
Jonathan Siegel Bayer Poster on Special interest group “Estimands in oncology”, sponsored by PSI and EFSPI link
Steven Sun Contribution to panel discussion: Estimands in Oncology:
A Topical Panel Discussion link

14.09.2022: EFSPI Regulatory Statistics Workshop

Contribution of the working group: Poster

Basel / Switzerland

Webpage of the event


Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Stefan Englert “Poster Special interest group “Estimands in oncology”, sponsored by PSI and EFSPI” link

30.08.2022: 12th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures

Contribution of the working group: Talk

Bremen / Germany

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Yi Liu From Logic-respecting Efficacy Estimands to Logic-ensuring Analysis Principle in Randomized Clinical Trials with Subgroups No presentation available

21.08.2022: ISCB conference

Contribution of the working group: Contributed talk

Newcastle / UK

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Kaspar Rufibach Follow-up time in clinical trials with a time-to-event endpoint: Redefining the question(s) link

06.08.2022: Joint Statistical Meetings

Contribution of the working group: Contributed talk

Washington / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Siyoen Kil Insights into couterfactual estimand, with application toward personalized medicine No presentation available

21.07.2022: DIA annual meeting in China

Contribution of the working group: Poster

Suzhou / China

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Jiawei Wei Poster “Special interest group “Estimands in oncology”, sponsored by PSI and EFSPI” link

19.06.2022: ICSA (International Chinese Statistical Association) Applied Statistics Symposium

Contribution of the working group: presentation

Gainsville Florida / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Yue Shentu From Logic-respecting Efficacy Estimands to Logic-ensuring Analysis Principle for Time-to-event Endpoint in Randomized Clinical Trials with Subgroups No presentation available

12.06.2022: PSI annual conference

Contribution of the working group: Poster and invited session

Gothenburg / Sweden

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Stefan Englert (poster) “Poster Special interest group “Estimands in oncology”, sponsored by PSI and EFSPI” link
Stefan Englert (intro talk) Introduction to the Estimands in OncologyWorking Group link
Oliver Sailer Duration of response and time to response into the estimand framework link
Bjoern Bornkamp Covariate adjust with binary and time to event endpoint and how to interpret marginal effect in oncology clinical trials link
Stefan Englert (talk) Censoring and censoring mechanisms in light of the estimand framework link
Rachael Lawrance Estimands in Oncology Working Group PRO TaskForce link

26.05.2022: ASA Biopharmaceutical Section

Contribution of the working group: webinar

Virtual / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Yi Liu From Logic-respecting Efficacy Estimands to Logic-ensuring Analysis Principle in Randomized Clinical Trials with Subgroups No presentation available

15.05.2022: Society for Clinical Trials

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

San Diego / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Rachael Lawrance The Estimand Framework from the ICH E9(R1) Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials Addendum: Current Implementation Status and Looking Forward No presentation available
Godwin Yung Answering old questions with new tools: Application of the ICH E9 addendum in oncology link

26.04.2022: PSI Journal Club – Treatment Switching in Clinical Trials

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Virtual / UK


Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Juliane Manitz Estimands for Overall Survival in Clinical Trials with Treatment Switching in Oncology link

23.03.2022: Royal Statistical Society Manchester local group Graham Dunn Seminar

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Virtual / UK

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Kaspar Rufibach Roche ICH E9 estimands addendum: Old wine in new bottles or a genuine step forward? link

16.12.2021: Royal Statistical Society Session on Design for Medical and Clinical studies

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Virtual / UK

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Kaspar Rufibach Roche Answering Old Questions with New Tools: Application of the ICH E9 Addendum in Oncology link

12.10.2021: ISOQoL 2021

Contribution of the working group: Contributed talk

Virtual /

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Konstantina Skaltsa An estimand perspective on the Mixed Model Repeated Measures (MMRM) for the analysis of longitudinal PRO data in clinical trials link
Libby Floden Estimand Considerations for Time-to-Event Analysis of Patient-Reported-Outcomes link

28.09.2021: DIA webinar – Estimands How and Why - A Real Life Case Study in Oncology

Contribution of the working group: Invited training

Virtual / USA


Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Stefan Englert Bringing estimands to lifelifethrough real case studies through real case studies link
Paul Bycott Bringing estimands to lifelifethrough real case studies through real case studies link
Feng Liu Bringing estimands to lifelifethrough real case studies through real case studies link
Jonathan Siegel Bringing estimands to lifelifethrough real case studies through real case studies link
Sammi Tang Bringing estimands to lifelifethrough real case studies through real case studies link
Jiawei Wei Bringing estimands to lifelifethrough real case studies through real case studies link

21.09.2021: ASA Biopharmaceutical Section Regulatory-Industry Statistics Workshop

Contribution of the working group: Invited talks and panel discussion

Virtual / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Devan Mehrotra Estimands and Sensitivity Analyses in Clinical Trials - Strengthening Alignment with ICH E9 (R1) link
Juliane Manitz Estimands for Overall Survival in Clinical Trials with Treatment Switching in Oncology link
Yi Liu Correct and Logical Causal Inference in Randomized Controlled Trials with Biomarker Subgroups link
Satrajit Roychoudhury Estimand in Hematologic Oncology Trials link
Jonathan Siegel Bayer Rethinking Censoring and Censoring Mechanisms in Light of the Estimands Framework link

24.08.2021: China DIA estimands working group


Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Virtual / China

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Kaspar Rufibach Roche ICH E9 addendum and principal strati cation link

08.08.2021: Joint Statistical Meetings

Contribution of the working group: Topic contributed session

Virtual / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Jianchang Lin Utilizing Surrogate Endpoints in Adaptive Designs with Delayed Treatment Effect No presentation available
Steven Sun Use of estimand Framework in Hematology Oncology Trials: Practical Implementation (no slides available) No presentation available
Yi Liu Logic-Respecting Efficacy Measures in the Presence of Prognostic or Predictive Biomarker Subgroups link
Natalia Kan-Dobrosky Treatment Switching and estimands for Overall Survival in Oncology Clinical Trials: Issues and Controversies link

01.06.2021: PSI EIWG Webinar – Estimands in Oncology - How and Why

Contribution of the working group: Invited training

Virtual / UK


Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Stefan Englert Bringing estimands to lifelifethrough real case studies through real case studies link
Paul Bycott Bringing estimands to lifelifethrough real case studies through real case studies link
Feng Liu Bringing estimands to lifelifethrough real case studies through real case studies link
Jonathan Siegel Bringing estimands to lifelifethrough real case studies through real case studies link
Sammi Tang Bringing estimands to lifelifethrough real case studies through real case studies link
Jiawei Wei Bringing estimands to lifelifethrough real case studies through real case studies link

20.05.2021: Society for Clinical Trials

Contribution of the working group: Topic contributed session

Virtual / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Stefan Englert How the estimand addendum to the ICH E9 guideline helps structure clinical objectives, guideline helps structure clinical objectives, analyses, and conclusions analyses, and conclusions: A series of oncology case studies link
Jonathan Siegel How the estimand addendum to the ICH E9 guideline helps structure clinical objectives, guideline helps structure clinical objectives, analyses, and conclusions analyses, and conclusions: A series of oncology case studies link
Juliane Manitz How the estimand addendum to the ICH E9 guideline helps structure clinical objectives, guideline helps structure clinical objectives, analyses, and conclusions analyses, and conclusions: A series of oncology case studies link
Feng Liu How the estimand addendum to the ICH E9 guideline helps structure clinical objectives, guideline helps structure clinical objectives, analyses, and conclusions analyses, and conclusions: A series of oncology case studies link
Steven Sun How the estimand addendum to the ICH E9 guideline helps structure clinical objectives, guideline helps structure clinical objectives, analyses, and conclusions analyses, and conclusions: A series of oncology case studies link

21.04.2021: Duke Industry Statistics Symposium

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Virtual / USA

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Natalia Kan-Dobrosky Estimands in clinical trials with treatment switching link

11.02.2021: ASA - FDA - LUNGevity symposium – Statistical considerations in Oncology clinical trials in the COVID-19 era

Contribution of the working group: Symposium

Virtual / USA


Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Evgeny Degtyarev & Kaspar Rufibach Novartis & Roche How can the estimand framework support decentralized trials? link

09.12.2020: Deming Conference on Applied Statistics

Contribution of the working group: Shortcourse

Virtual / USA

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Evgeny Degtyarev & Kaspar Rufibach Novartis & Roche Answering Old Questions with New Tools: Application of the ICH E9 Addendum in Oncology link

27.11.2020: Working group “Pharmaceutical Industry” of the German Region of the IBS (APF)

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Virtual / Germany

Webpage of the event


Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Hannes Buchner & Kaspar Rufibach Staburo & Roche Estimands update: Summary of world-wide authority interaction link

17.11.2020: The effective statistician podcast

Contribution of the working group: Discussion

Podcast / Germany

Webpage of the event


Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Kaspar Rufibach & Bjoern Bornkamp Roche & Novartis A deep dive into principal stratification and causal inference No presentation available

05.11.2020: Joint PSI, EFSPI & ASA BIOP Webinar – Estimands

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Virtual / UK / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Evgeny Degtyarev Estimand framework: What are the opportunities in oncology? link

22.09.2020: ASA Biopharmaceutical Section Regulatory-Industry Statistics Workshop

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Virtual / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Jonathan Siegel Industry Perspective on Subsequent Therapy: An Estimands Approach link

07.09.2020: Webinar of the Basel Biometrics Section – RCTs meeting causal inference – principal stratum strategy and beyond

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Webinar / Switzerland

Webpage of the event



Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Kaspar Rufibach Roche, Basel Welcome and scene setting link
Vanessa Didelez Keynote speaker, Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology, BIPS, Bremen Time-Varying Treatments in Observational Studies: Lessons for Clinical Trials link
Jack Bowden University of Exeter Connecting Instrumental Variable methods for causal inference to the Estimand Framework link
Kelly van Lancker Ghent University Efficient, doubly robust estimation of the effect of dose switching for switchers in a randomised clinical trial link
Björn Bornkamp Novartis, Basel Principal Stratum Strategy: Potential Role in Drug Development link
Dominik Heinzmann Roche, Basel Principal stratum strategy to investigate anti-drug antibody impact on cancer immunotherapy outcome link
Aiesha Zia Novartis, Basel Exploring estimation approaches for principal stratum estimands in Phase III randomized trials in CAR-T anti-cancer therapy link
Fabrizia Mealli University of Florence The ICH E9 addendum from an academic causal inference perspective and feedback on the previous talks link
Giusi Moffa University of Basel Next webinars and closure link
All Question and Answers link

06.09.2020: GMDS & CEN IBS 2020

Contribution of the working group: Contributed talk

Berlin / Germany

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Juliane Manitz Estimands for Overall Survival in clinical trials with treatment switching link

01.08.2020: Joint Statistical Meetings

Contribution of the working group: Topic contributed session

Philadelphia / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Jonathan Siegel Bayer Estimand Framework and Its Impact on Drug Development in Oncology link
Anja Schiel (Discussant) EMA No presentation available

29.06.2020: Webinar of the Basel Biometrics Section – Estimands addendum is final – Anything new for oncology?

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Webinar / Switzerland

Webpage of the event



Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Kaspar Rufibach Roche, Basel Welcome and scene setting link
Anja Schiel Chair Scientific Advice Working Party, EMA Experience with the estimand framework in oncology link
Renaud Capdeville Novartis, Basel Challenges and open questions in hematology: RATIFY link
Tina Nielsen Roche, Basel Challenges and open questions in hematology: GALLIUM link
Hannes Buchner and Ingolf Griebsch Staburo and Boehringer-Ingelheim Treatment switching: challenges, estimands, and estimators link
Stefan Englert Abbvie Commentary on previous talks taking COVID-19 into account link
All Question and Answers link

11.06.2020: PSI Conference Webinar – Impact of COVID-19 to estimands

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk and panelist

Webinar / UK

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Kaspar Rufibach Application of the estimand framework to assess the impact of COVID-19 on clinical trials No presentation available

21.05.2020: Estimands in Oncology Virtual Panel Discussion (organized by Cytel)

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk and panelist

Virtual / USA


Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Kaspar Rufibach Estimands in oncology link
Michelle Casey (Discussant) No presentation available

06.05.2020: Webinar of the Basel Biometrics Section – Impact of COVID-19 on clinical trials

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Virtual / Switzerland

Webpage of the event


Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Evgeny Degtyarev Short overview on COVID-19 from the Cross-Industry Oncology Estimands Working Group link

20.10.2019: ISOQoL

Contribution of the working group: Contributed talk

San Diego / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Rachael Lawrance Using PROs in clinical trials: what should I know about? link

27.09.2019: ESMO

Contribution of the working group: Poster

Barcelona / Spain

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Daniel George Impact of estimand selection on adjuvant treatment outcomes in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) link

24.09.2019: ASA Biopharmaceutical Section Regulatory-Industry Statistics Workshop

Contribution of the working group: Contributed talks (including FDA discussant)

Washington / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Feng Liu Causal Estimand and Principal Stratum, an Overview and Potential Applications in Oncology link
Jiangxiu Zhou Estimands for PFS2 link
Alexei C. Ionan (discussant) FDA Estimand Framework in Oncology Drug Development: Challenges and Opportunities link

23.09.2019: EFSPI Regulatory Statistics Workshop

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Basel / Switzerland

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Evgeny Degtyarev Novartis Estimand framework: opportunity to rethink some old (and new) problems in Oncology trials? link

27.07.2019: Joint Statistical Meetings

Contribution of the working group: Topic contributed session

Denver / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Evgeny Degtyarev Estimand framework in Oncology drug development impact and opportunities link
Jonathan Siegel Importance of censoring mechanisms in selecting appropriate estimands link
Steven Sun Sensitivity Analysis vs Supportive Analysis under Estimand Framework: A Case Study in Hematological Malignancies link
Michelle Casey Estimand Framework - Are we asking the right questions? A case study in the solid tumor setting link

14.07.2019: ISCB conference

Contribution of the working group: Contributed talk

Leuven / Belgium

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Rui Tang Estimands in the Presence of Treatment Switching link

23.06.2019: DIA Annual meeting

Contribution of the working group: Contributed talk

San Diego / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Yi Liu Estimand Framework and its Impact on Oncology Drug Development: Findings From An Industry Wide Working Group link

02.06.2019: PSI annual conference

Contribution of the working group: Contributed talks

London / UK

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Kaspar Rufibach Roche Estimand framework in Oncology drug development – impact and opportunities link
Bjoern Bornkamp Novartis Estimation of Principal Stratum Effects, an Overview and Potential Applications in Oncology link

29.05.2019: Lifetime Data Science Conference

Contribution of the working group: Contributed talks including EMA discussant

Pittsburgh / USA

Webpage of the event

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Jonathan Siegel Bayer Survival Design Strategies in an Estimands Framework link
Shoubhik Mondal Boehringer-Ingelheim Traditional sensitivity analyses in oncology clinical trials what questions are they answering? link
Feng Liu AstraZeneca Developing Estimands in Oncology Trials: Understand Scientific Questions of Interest link
Anja Schiel (discussant) EMA ICH E9(R1) Addendum Blessing or curse? link

18.03.2019: DAGStat

Contribution of the working group: Contributed talks

Munich / Germany

Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Kaspar Rufibach Roche Estimand framework in Oncology drug development – impact and opportunities link
Bjoern Bornkamp Novartis Estimation of Principal Stratum Effects, an Overview and Potential Applications in Oncology link
Viktoriya Stalbovskaya Merus Estimands in the presence of treatment switching link
Hans-Jochen Weber Novartis Implementation of the ICH E9 addendum: RATIFY -A case study in hematology link

15.02.2019: HTA EFSPI SIG 1-day event

Contribution of the working group: Invited talk

Berlin / Germany

Webpage of the event


Speaker Institution Title Download slides
Evgeny Degtyarev Novartis Estimands in Oncology link