

April 1, 2024

Membership in scientific organizations

See here.

Collaboration with Health Authorities

See here.

Estimand implementation working group

The working group closely collaborates with the EFSPI/EFPIA Estimands Implementation WG (EIWG) to implement estimands in drug development by collaborating with non-statistical partner functions. Stefan Englert is a member of both working groups and leads that collaboration.


The safety taskforce is a formal joint venture between the working group and PHUSE, and the safety taskforce is a formal part of the PHUSE organizational structure, see here. Jonathan Siegel is leading this collaboration.

ASA LIDS section

The censoring mechanism subteam with the ASA LIDS section. Although the oncology estimand WG is as a whole affiliated with the BIOP section, the censoring mechanism subteam had previously established a relationship with the ASA LIDS section. Jonathan Siegel is leading this collaboration.

The collaboration continues to bear fruit. For example, the “Time-to-event Estimands in Oncology” session at the upcoming LIDS 2023 conference is a direct result of the collaboration, as is Richard Cook’s periodic involvement in various EOI conference sessions and panels over the years. (Richard will be the discussant for our session at LIDS).