# --------------------------------------------------------------
# packages
# --------------------------------------------------------------
<- c("survival", "rpact", "survRM2")
packs for (i in 1:length(packs)){library(packs[i], character.only = TRUE)}
Quantification of follow-up: code accompanying paper
1 Background
Code for the paper Rufibach et al. (2023) (download from journal, download from arxiv) written by the follow-up quantification task force of the oncology estimand WG.
2 Purpose of this document
This R markdown file provides easy accessible code to compute all the quantifiers for follow-up. The github repository where this document is hosted is available here.
To illustrate the functions all clinical trial data in this file is simulated. In the paper, the PH examples uses real data.
3 Setup
3.1 Packages
3.2 Functions
Below all functions are defined.
: This function provides all the seven methods described in the paper draft.plot.qfu
: Plot the distributions from which medians are computed.
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# functions
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# function to compute all the different variants of follow-up quantification
<- function(rando, event_time, event_type, ccod){
## =================================================================
## compute all FU measures
## =================================================================
# input arguments:
# - rando: date of randomization
# - event_time: time to event or time to censoring
# - event_type: 0 = event, 1 = lost to FU, 2 = administratively censored
# - ccod: clinical cutoff date
<- length(rando)
# objects to collect distributions
# indicator for lost to follow up
<- as.numeric(event_type == 1)
# indicator for administratively censored
<- as.numeric(event_type == 2)
# usual censoring indicator: 0 = censored (for whatever reason), 1 = event
<- as.numeric(event_type == 0)
# indicator for censoring
<- as.numeric(primary_event == 0)
# observation time regardless of censoring
<- as.list(environment(ecdf(event_time)))
ecdf1 1]] <- cbind(ecdf1$x, 1 - ecdf1$y)
res[[<- median(event_time)
# observation time for those event-free
<- event_time[event_time_cens == 1]
d2 <- as.list(environment(ecdf(d2)))
ecdf2 2]] <- cbind(ecdf2$x, 1 - ecdf2$y)
res[[<- median(d2)
# time to censoring
<- survfit(Surv(event_time, event_time_cens) ~ 1)
so3 3]] <- so3
res[[<- summary(so3)$table["median"]
# time to CCOD, potential followup
<- as.numeric((ccod - rando) / 365.25 * 12)
pfu <- as.list(environment(ecdf(pfu)))
ecdf4 4]] <- cbind(ecdf4$x, 1 - ecdf4$y)
res[[<- median(pfu)
# known function time
<- rep(NA, n)
m5 == 1] <- event_time[event_time_cens == 1]
m5[event_time_cens == 1] <- pfu[primary_event == 1]
m5[primary_event <- as.list(environment(ecdf(m5)))
ecdf5 5]] <- cbind(ecdf5$x, 1 - ecdf5$y)
res[[<- median(m5)
# Korn's potential follow-up time
<- sort(pfu)
spfu <- rep(NA, n)
pt for (i in 1:n){
# timepoint at which we compute potential followup (t' in Schemper et al)
<- spfu[i]
# proportion with pfu > t
<- mean(spfu > t)
# time to LTFU
<- survfit(Surv(event_time, ltfu_cens) ~ 1, subset = (pfu >= t))
so6 <- ifelse(max(so6$time > t) == 0, 0, so6$surv[so6$time > t][1])
<- pltet * pet
6]] <- cbind(spfu, pt)
# now take the median of the distribution, see plot(t, pt, type = "s")
<- max(spfu[pt >= 0.5])
# Potential follow-up considering events
<- rep(NA, n)
m7 == 1] <- pfu[event_time_cens == 1]
m7[event_time_cens == 1] <- event_time[primary_event == 1]
m7[primary_event <- as.list(environment(ecdf(m7)))
ecdf7 7]] <- cbind(ecdf7$x, 1 - ecdf7$y)
res[[<- median(m7)
# summarize results for medians
<- matrix(NA, nrow = 7, ncol = 1)
dat 1] <- c(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7)
dat[, rownames(dat) <- c("Observation time regardless of censoring",
"Observation time for those event-free",
"Time to censoring", "Time to CCOD",
"Known function time", "Korn potential follow-up",
"Potential follow-up considering events")
colnames(dat) <- "median"
<- list("medians" = dat, "distributions" = res)
output class(output) <- "qfu"
# function to plot distributions of various quantifiers
<- function(x, which = 1:7, median = TRUE){
<- x$distributions
par(las = 1)
plot(0, 0, type = "n", xlim = c(0, 1.05 * max(dat[[1]][, 1])), ylim = c(0, 1),
xlab = "time-to-event endpoint", ylab = "probability",
main = "Distributions used for quantification of follow-up")
if (3 %in% which){lines(dat[[3]], col = 3, conf.int = FALSE)}
<- which[which != 3]
which for (i in which){lines(dat[[i]], col = i)}
if(isTRUE(median)){abline(h = 0.5, col = grey(0.5), lwd = 2)}
legend("bottomleft", rownames(x$medians)[which], lty = 1,
col = (1:7)[which], bty = "n", lwd = 2)
# compute value of KM estimate and CI
<- function(time, event, t0, conf.level = 0.95){
<- 1 - conf.level
# compute ci according to the formulas in Huesler and Zimmermann, Chapter 21
<- survfit(Surv(time, event) ~ 1, conf.int = 1 - alpha, conf.type = "plain",
obj type = "kaplan", error = "greenwood", conf.lower = "peto")
<- summary(obj)$surv
St <- summary(obj)$time
t <- summary(obj)$n.risk
n <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(t0), ncol = 3)
for (i in 1:length(t0)){
<- t0[i]
ti if (min(t) > ti){res[i, ] <- c(1, NA, NA)}
if (min(t) <= ti){
if (ti %in% t){res[i, ] <- rep(NA, 3)} else {
<- min(St[t < ti])
Sti <- min(n[t < ti])
nti <- Sti ^ 2 * (1 - Sti) / nti
Var.peto <- exp(qnorm(1 - alpha / 2) * sqrt(Var.peto) /
Cti ^ (3 / 2) * (1 - Sti)))
(Sti <- c(Sti / ((1 - Cti) * Sti + Cti), Cti * Sti /
ci.km - 1) * Sti + 1))
((Cti <- c(Sti, ci.km)}
res[i, ] # end if
} # end for
<- cbind(t0, res)
res dimnames(res)[[2]] <- c("t0", "S at t0", "lower.ci", "upper.ci")
# bootstrap survival data
<- function(surv.obj, n, M = 1000, track = TRUE){
# bootstrap right-censored survival data according to Efron (1981)
# see Akritas (1986) for details
# surv.obj: Surv object to sample from
# n: sample size for samples to be drawn
# M: number of samples
<- nrow(surv.obj)
n.surv <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = M, nrow = n))
for (i in 1:M){
<- sample(1:n.surv, size = n, replace = TRUE)
ind <- surv.obj[ind]
res.mat[, i] if (track){print(paste("sample ", i, " of ", M, " done", sep = ""))}
# compute value and CI for difference of survival probabilities at milestone,
# via bootstrap
<- function(time, event, group, t0, M = 10 ^ 3,
confIntMilestoneDiff conf.level = 0.95){
<- (group == levels(group)[1])
ind <- Surv(time[ind], event[ind])
s.obj1 <- Surv(time[!ind], event[!ind])
s.obj2 <- sum(ind)
n1 <- sum(!ind)
<- bootSurvivalSample(surv.obj = s.obj1, n = n1, M = M, track = FALSE)
res1 <- bootSurvivalSample(surv.obj = s.obj2, n = n2, M = M, track = FALSE)
<- rep(NA, M)
boot.diff1 <- boot.diff1
for (i in 1:M){
# based on KM
<- confIntKM_t0(time = as.matrix(res1[, i])[, "time"], event =
t1km as.matrix(res1[, i])[, "status"], t0, conf.level = 0.95)[2]
<- confIntKM_t0(time = as.matrix(res2[, i])[, "time"], event =
t2km as.matrix(res2[, i])[, "status"], t0, conf.level = 0.95)[2]
<- t1km - t2km
# based on exponential fit
<- exp(- coef(survreg(res1[, i] ~ 1, dist = "exponential")))
r1 <- 1 - pexp(t0, rate = r1)
<- exp(- coef(survreg(res2[, i] ~ 1, dist = "exponential")))
r2 <- 1 - pexp(t0, rate = r2)
<- t1 - t2
# from bootstrap sample of differences just take symmetric quantiles to get
# CI for difference
<- 1 - conf.level
alpha <- quantile(boot.diff1, probs = c(alpha / 2, 1 - alpha / 2), na.rm = TRUE)
ci1 <- quantile(boot.diff2, probs = c(alpha / 2, 1 - alpha / 2), na.rm = TRUE)
<- list("km" = ci1, "exponential" = ci2)
res return(res)
# compute the extreme limits as described by Betensky
<- function(time, event){
<- (event == 0)
ind <- max(time[event == 1])
# extreme scenarios (not precisely) according to Betensky (2015)
# lower bound: every censored patient has event at censoring date
<- time
t_low <- event
c_low <- 1
# upper bound: every censored observation has censoring time equal
# to maximum event time
<- time
t_up & (time < maxevent)] <- maxevent
t_up[ind <- event
# collect results
<- list("t_low" = t_low, "c_low" = c_low, "t_up" = t_up, "c_up" = c_up)
res return(res)
4 Example: Proportional hazards
4.1 Simulate a clinical trial with time-to-event endpoint using rpact
A clinical trial with very similar properties as the Gallium data in Rufibach et al. (2022) is simulated using rpact
Wassmer and Pahlke (2021).
# simulate a clinical trial using rpact
# time unit is months
<- getDesignGroupSequential(informationRates = 1,
design typeOfDesign = "asOF", sided = 1, alpha = 0.025, beta = 0.2)
<- getSimulationSurvival(design,
simulationResult lambda2 = log(2) / 60, hazardRatio = 0.75,
dropoutRate1 = 0.025, dropoutRate2 = 0.025,
dropoutTime = 12,
accrualTime = 0:6,
accrualIntensity = 6 * 1:7,
plannedEvents = 350,
directionUpper = FALSE,
maxNumberOfSubjects = 1000,
maxNumberOfIterations = 1,
maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 1,
seed = 2021)
# retrieve dataset
<- getRawData(simulationResult)
# create variable with randomization dates
# note that addition / subtraction of date objects happens in days
# --> multiplication by 365.25 / 12 ~= 30 below
<- as.Date("2016-01-31", origin = "1899-12-30")
day0 <- day0 + simdat$accrualTime * 365.25 / 12
rando <- simdat$timeUnderObservation
# event type variable: 0 = event, 1 = lost to FU, 2 = administratively censored
<- rep(NA, nrow(simdat))
event_type $event == TRUE] <- 0
event_type[simdat$event == FALSE & simdat$dropoutEvent == TRUE] <- 1
event_type[simdat$event == FALSE & simdat$dropoutEvent == FALSE] <- 2
# PFS event
<- as.numeric(event_type == 0)
# treatment arm
<- factor(simdat$treatmentGroup, levels = 1:2, labels = c("G", "R"))
# define clinical cutoff date based on simulation result
<- day0 + simdat$lastObservationTime[1] * 365.25 / 12
# check
<- summary(coxph(Surv(pfs, pfsevent) ~ arm))
so1 so1
coxph(formula = Surv(pfs, pfsevent) ~ arm)
n= 1000, number of events= 350
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|)
armR 0.2351 1.2650 0.1073 2.191 0.0285 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
armR 1.265 0.7905 1.025 1.561
Concordance= 0.528 (se = 0.014 )
Likelihood ratio test= 4.82 on 1 df, p=0.03
Wald test = 4.8 on 1 df, p=0.03
Score (logrank) test = 4.82 on 1 df, p=0.03
Plot the Kaplan-Meier estimates:
par(las = 1)
plot(survfit(Surv(pfs, pfsevent) ~ arm), col = 2:3, mark = "'", lty = 1, xlim = c(0, 100),
xlab = "PFS", ylab = "probability of being event-free")
4.2 Precision
Compute survival probabilities, their differences and confidence intervals at milestones.
<- c(36, 48)
ms <- confIntKM_t0(time = pfs[arm == "R"], event = pfsevent[arm == "R"], t0 = ms,
msR1 conf.level = 0.95)
<- confIntKM_t0(time = pfs[arm == "G"], event = pfsevent[arm == "G"], t0 = ms,
msG1 conf.level = 0.95)
t0 S at t0 lower.ci upper.ci
[1,] 36 0.6625629 0.6054758 0.7152741
[2,] 48 0.5870704 0.4922056 0.6758830
t0 S at t0 lower.ci upper.ci
[1,] 36 0.7149897 0.6622073 0.7624827
[2,] 48 0.6536542 0.5662833 0.7317616
# differences
<- confIntMilestoneDiff(time = pfs, event = pfsevent, group = arm,
ms1d1 t0 = ms[1], M = 10 ^ 3, conf.level = 0.95)$km
<- confIntMilestoneDiff(time = pfs, event = pfsevent, group = arm,
ms2d1 t0 = ms[2], M = 10 ^ 3, conf.level = 0.95)$km
2.5% 97.5%
-0.003376164 0.114936362
2.5% 97.5%
-0.0007250327 0.1350419043
4.3 Quantification of follow-up using various methods
Now let us apply the above functions:
<- quantifyFU(rando = rando, event_time = pfs, event_type = event_type, ccod = ccod)
# medians of all these distributions:
$medians fu
Observation time regardless of censoring 38.28363
Observation time for those event-free 42.87887
Time to censoring 44.05744
Time to CCOD 45.78363
Known function time 44.55744
Korn potential follow-up 44.15268
Potential follow-up considering events 40.31934
Plot distributions:
5 Example: delayed separation
5.1 Simulate a clinical trial with time-to-event endpoint using rpact
# Simulation assuming a delayed treatment effect
<- 0.05
alpha <- 0.2
beta <- getDesignGroupSequential(informationRates = 1, typeOfDesign = "asOF", sided = 1,
design alpha = alpha / 2, beta = beta)
<- c(0, 12)
piecewiseSurvivalTime <- log(2) / 60
baserate <- 0.65
hr_nph <- 0.025
dropoutRate <- 12
dropoutTime <- 0:6
accrualTime <- 6 * 1:7
accrualIntensity <- 389
plannedEvents <- 1000
maxNumberOfSubjects <- 10 ^ 3
<- getSimulationSurvival(design,
simulationResultNPH piecewiseSurvivalTime = piecewiseSurvivalTime,
lambda2 = c(baserate, baserate),
lambda1 = c(baserate, hr_nph * baserate),
dropoutRate1 = dropoutRate,
dropoutRate2 = dropoutRate, dropoutTime = dropoutTime,
accrualTime = accrualTime,
accrualIntensity = accrualIntensity,
plannedEvents = plannedEvents,
directionUpper = FALSE,
maxNumberOfSubjects = maxNumberOfSubjects,
maxNumberOfIterations = maxNumberOfIterations,
maxNumberOfRawDatasetsPerStage = 10 ^ 4,
seed = 2021)
# power for logrank test
$overallReject simulationResultNPH
[1] 0.805
# access raw simulation data
<- getRawData(simulationResultNPH)
# extract simulation run 1 for example in paper
<- 1
simpick <- subset(simdat, iterationNumber == simpick)
# median time-to-dropout
<- - log(2) / log((1- dropoutRate)) * dropoutTime
# create variable with randomization dates
# note that addition / subtraction of date objects happens in days
# --> multiplication by 365.25 / 12 ~= 30 below
<- as.Date("2016-01-31", origin = "1899-12-30")
day0_nph <- day0_nph + simdat_run1$accrualTime * 365.25 / 12
rando_nph <- simdat_run1$timeUnderObservation
# event type variable: 0 = event, 1 = lost to FU,
# 2 = administratively censored
<- rep(NA, nrow(simdat_run1))
event_type_nph $event == TRUE] <- 0
event_type_nph[simdat_run1$event == FALSE &
event_type_nph[simdat_run1$dropoutEvent == TRUE] <- 1
simdat_run1$event == FALSE &
event_type_nph[simdat_run1$dropoutEvent == FALSE] <- 2
# PFS event
<- as.numeric(event_type_nph == 0)
# treatment arm
<- factor(simdat_run1$treatmentGroup, levels = 1:2, labels = c("G", "R"))
# define clinical cutoff date based on simulation result
<- day0_nph + simdat_run1$lastObservationTime[1] * 365.25 / 12 ccod1_nph
Plot Kaplan-Meier estimates:
par(las = 1, mar = c(4.5, 4.5, 2, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0))
<- survfit(Surv(pfs1_nph, pfsevent1_nph) ~ arm_nph)
so1_nph plot(so1_nph, col = 2:3, mark = "'", lty = 1, xlim = c(0, 100), xlab = "PFS (months)",
ylab = "probability of not having a PFS event")
abline(v = ms, col = grey(0.5), lwd = 2, lty = 2)
# title
mtext("Delayed separation", 3, line = 0, outer = TRUE)
5.2 Precision
Compute survival probabilities, their differences and confidence intervals at milestones.
<- c(36, 48)
ms <- confIntKM_t0(time = pfs1_nph[arm == "R"], event = pfsevent1_nph[arm == "R"],
msR1_nph t0 = ms, conf.level = 0.95)
<- confIntKM_t0(time = pfs1_nph[arm == "G"], event = pfsevent1_nph[arm == "G"],
msG1_nph t0 = ms, conf.level = 0.95)
t0 S at t0 lower.ci upper.ci
[1,] 36 0.6626743 0.6066027 0.7145152
[2,] 48 0.5801327 0.5109735 0.6462818
t0 S at t0 lower.ci upper.ci
[1,] 36 0.7125514 0.6617708 0.7584903
[2,] 48 0.6571132 0.5948195 0.7144277
# differences
<- confIntMilestoneDiff(time = pfs1_nph, event = pfsevent1_nph, group = arm,
ms1d1_nph t0 = ms[1], M = 10 ^ 3, conf.level = 0.95)$km
<- confIntMilestoneDiff(time = pfs1_nph, event = pfsevent1_nph, group = arm,
ms2d1_nph t0 = ms[2], M = 10 ^ 3, conf.level = 0.95)$km
2.5% 97.5%
-0.007217885 0.105350010
2.5% 97.5%
0.01560682 0.13856650
5.3 Stability
par(las = 1, mar = c(4.5, 4.5, 2, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0))
<- survfit(Surv(pfs1_nph, pfsevent1_nph) ~ 1, subset = (arm_nph == "G"))
so2_nph plot(so2_nph, col = 2, mark = "'", lty = 1, xlim = c(0, 100), xlab = "PFS (months)",
ylab = "probability of not having a PFS event", conf.int = FALSE)
abline(v = ms, col = grey(0.5), lwd = 2, lty = 2)
# title
mtext("Delayed separation", 3, line = 0, outer = TRUE)
# add Betensky's scenarios
<- stabilityKM(time = pfs1_nph[arm_nph == "G"], pfsevent1_nph[arm_nph == "G"])
stab_del_t <- stabilityKM(time = pfs1_nph[arm_nph == "R"], pfsevent1_nph[arm_nph == "R"])
# lower
<- survfit(Surv(stab_del_t$t_low, stab_del_t$c_low) ~ 1)
so2_nph_low lines(so2_nph_low, col = grey(0.5), lty = 1, conf.int = FALSE)
# upper
<- survfit(Surv(stab_del_t$t_up, stab_del_t$c_up) ~ 1)
so2_nph_up lines(so2_nph_up, col = grey(0.5), lty = 1, conf.int = FALSE)
5.4 Power for RMST
# restriction timepoint for RMST
<- NULL # use minimum of the two last observed times in each arm
# compute RMST for every simulated dataset
# use simulationResultNPH from p30
<- rep(NA, maxNumberOfIterations)
rmst_est <- rmst_est
rmst_pval <- rmst_est
for (i in 1:maxNumberOfIterations){
<- subset(simdat, iterationNumber == i)
<- sim.i$timeUnderObservation
time <- as.numeric(sim.i$event)
event <- factor(as.numeric(sim.i$treatmentGroup == 1))
<- rmst2(time = time, status = event, arm = arm, tau = NULL)
rmst if (i == 1){rmst_sim1 <- rmst}
# we look at difference in RMST between arms
<- rmst$unadjusted.result[1, "Est."]
rmst_est[i] <- rmst$unadjusted.result[1, "p"]
# logrank p-value (score test from Cox regression)
<- summary(coxph(Surv(time, event) ~ arm))$sctest["pvalue"]
# empirical power
<- mean(rmst_pval <= 0.05)
rmst_power rmst_power
[1] 0.692
mean(logrank_pval <= 0.05)
[1] 0.805
$overallReject simulationResultNPH
[1] 0.805
5.5 Quantification of follow-up using various methods
Now let us apply the above functions:
# compute various follow-up quantities
<- quantifyFU(rando = rando_nph, event_time = pfs1_nph,
fu1_nph event_type = event_type_nph, ccod = ccod1_nph)
<- fu1_nph$medians
# medians of all these distributions:
Observation time regardless of censoring 45.47638
Observation time for those event-free 51.46786
Time to censoring 52.84881
Time to CCOD 54.64643
Known function time 53.31310
Korn potential follow-up 52.80119
Potential follow-up considering events 48.07205
Plot distributions: